Chief's Message to the Community

I have served the citizens of Medicine Hat as a police officer for forty years and throughout my career I have always tried to serve with the core values of; integrity, respect, accountability and courage at the centre of my service.

In reflection of the recent tragic events that have occurred in the USA, I am reminded of the precious yet fragile relationship we have with those who entrust us to keep them safe. Sir Robert Peel’s nine principles of policing are a cornerstone and compass to our duties as police officers in a free civilian society. I am reminded of the seventh principle that “Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”

At the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) we have strong; policy, procedure, training, supervision and accountability measures in place. I have always felt that if you hire the right people, train them the right way, encourage adherence to core values and hold people to account, we establish the right culture. The men and women of the MHPS are fully engaged and entrenched within our community. Our members are; coaches, board members, volunteers, fathers, mothers, and neighbours. They are proud to serve this community as their own.

Just this morning I swore in seven new recruits whose progress I have been monitoring over the past several months throughout their training, and I am confident that our future is in very good hands. While I have unfortunately observed a few “bad apples” come and go through my time with this Service, I can tell you that now, due to our focused recruitment efforts, we have excellent officers that are service-minded and committed to keeping all members of our community safe.

It is my pledge that the MHPS will continue to work with our community, to grow and learn from our shared experiences, in an effort to improve on how we can serve and be accountable to all of you who entrust us to help keep you safe.

Andy McGrogan
Chief of Police